We have detected an issue when launching a Live Assist Voice & Video session from Chrome 60. This only affects voice & video calls started with Live Assist it does not affect cobrowse only sessions. The issue affects all versions of Live Assist up to 1.47.2.
Chrome 60 is available from Wednesday July 26th 2017.
Chrome 60 introduces a restriction which stops "about:blank" pages from requesting access to the camera and microphone. When a consumer makes an LA voice/video call we launch a window (an about:blank style window) which is used to manage the FCSDK call, capturing the voice/video and outputting the voice while then drawing the video to the main page.
We are going to roll a permanent fix into our Live Assist code, in the meantime we’re going to help affected customers with a workaround. We will patch the latest GA release, 1.47, which once deployed will provide the following 2 options:
1. Do nothing, let LA 1.47.2 patch handle it (note it will generate 404's which may trigger alerts / firewall rules).
No change required - the patch will request a non-existing page from your application domain resulting in a 404 response. The patch will use the response to inject the Live Assist control code to manage access to the camera and microphone and the voice/video call. Note that the 404 responses may trigger firewall alerts/rules that make this option not suitable.
2. Supply a url for the control window via a new parameter (this requires you to host a blank page web in your application domain).
Similar to the first option the patch will use the response to inject the Live Assist control code to manage access to the camera and microphone and the voice/video call. Note that you will need to identify a suitable page containing just static content and pass the URL of the page into the SDK when initiating the assist session.
For full details on the workaround and an example see this article.
Here's a simple html example consumer app:
If you have any further queries or would like a CafeX support engineer to help you with the workaround please Contact Support
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