Depending on your project and existing architecture, you may want to separate out your Voice & Video from a Live Assist session in order to handle them separately through FCSDK, routing to your SIP network, for example.
This article builds upon the Minimal App example - it is recommended that you work through that article as a pre-requisite to this one. The source code for this example is available on Bitbucket - You may want to fork / branch your code from the first Minimal App example or just clone and run the repo for this example, it's up to you.
To run this example, you will need:
1. A code / text editor.
2. A Live Assist Server installations, running FAS, FCSDK and Live Assist.
3. A local or hosted PHP webserver e.g. Apache / MAMP
Firstly, you'll need to include the Live Assist library within your index.html file. Once embedded, you can then start a Co-browse only session when you place the call, by declaring a specific Correlation Id (we'll look at how to set this next). e.g.
The key is to call the Assist Start Session code at the same time as you place your Voice & Video call to your Assist Agent (agent1), using:
AssistSDK.startSupport({correlationId: 'anon'});
Next, you'll need to update your session provisioning script - session.php - as per the snippet below. The key change here are the additiona AED / ADE2 key-value pairs within the session description JSON payload. e.g.
The pertinent point here is that the AED2 Allowed topic string matches the Correlation Id in your Assist.StartSupport config parameter.
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