From time to time you may need to deploy artefacts to CBA server. An example is to deploy the IE plugin or perhaps a war file you have designed yourself.
This article will supply instructions for deploying an artefact.
Browse to the management console https://<your-server>:9990
Select Manage Deployments
Click on Add
Select the war file to deploy
Select next, accept the default values & click on save
Once saved the artefact will need to be assigned to a server group. Select the artefact under manage deployments (it will have 0 next to assignment).
Once selected click on assign --> select the main-server-group and click save.
Your artefact is now deployed.
Instead of adding if someone wants to update the existing artefacts
Browse to the management console https://<your-server>:9990
Select Manage Deployments
Click on filter
Search for the existing artefact for example I want to update csdk-sample.war
Highlight that by selecting the artefact you want to update (csdk-sample.war)
Click Update
Select the war file to deploy ( e.g. csdk-sample.war)
Select next, accept the default values & click on save
Once it is successfully saved it will show a green success message above
The artefact is deployed successfully.
Follow the same process for more artefact update if required.
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