This document describes deploying FCSDK into the Stratogen Cloud and assumes the read’s in-depth understanding of VMware vCloud Director. Items not included, purchasing, assessing or setup of the Cloud.
Customers looking to deploy into the cloud are recommended to us the Stratogen service with either the private or public cloud options depending on the customers’ requirements. As such customers of CBA has a negotiated 10% discount for the retail cost of any Stratogen cloud platform.
The following are required before the installation can commence:
- Valid Internet Connection (used to download installers for OS, Java and OVA/FCSDK/FAS) and connect to the cloud
- WinSCP (or other SFTP client) and Putty (or other SSH Client)
- Administrative access to the Access to Stratogen’s online portal with the following components purchased
- Virtual Datacenter vCPU minimum 4 recommended number varies depending on requirements
- Virtual Datacenter RAM minimum 4 recommend number varies depending on requirements
- SAS Storage GB minimum 100 recommend number varies depending on requirements
- vShield Edge
- IPV4 Allocation minimum 1
- Veeam Data Backup
- Oracle account to download Oracle Java 7.*
- Access to the FCSDK (Installer and Documentation) and FAS (Installer and Documentation) installers from the CBA Download Server
- Minium of 1 free Public IP address with knowledge of the subnet, default gateway and DNS server
- A DNS address setup in the DNS server and pointed to the free IP
Covers the deployment of VM or VM’s to build the environment into Stratogen’s Cloud.
Pre product Environment Install
Download the following packages:
Java 7.* tar.gz Downloaded from oracle listed as the JDK. At the time of writing the current version was jdk-7u55-linux-x64.gz
Setup Networks and Firewall
The details are covered in Stratogen’s own article:
Key setup requirements:
- Public to Private IP NAT or PAT
- Private to Public IP Nat
- Network setup with networks for DMZ and Green Zone with static ip pools
- VPN Connection back to SIP infrastructure if interruption is required
Deploying VM
Launch Connect to VMware Director using a supported web browser. Details can be found at
NOTE: An administrative username and password are required for the VMware Platform to ensure successful deployment. For details about VMware administration VMware Director please consult VMware product Documentation.
Create a new Vapp for FCSDK, Select Build New vApp
Proved a Name and Description, select the correct Datacenter and Next
Select the “Public Catalogs” from the Look In drop down then select Centos 6.4 64Bit CLI, followed by add and then Next
Type the machine name e.g then select Next
Type the computer name FCSDKBE6K and select the correct network for the VM in question
Select next on this screen
Select Finish
Now you have the first machine, now the other machines can built by opening the vapp.
Then selecting new virtual machine
Once you have all the machines needed for the required typology
Now following a few seconds the machine will appear in the main screen. At this point we right click on the machine and select Properties
Select Guest OS Customization
Set the password for the vm and click OK
The process will take a few seconds to complete next we are going to power the vm on, right click again on the vm and select “Power On”
Now open the console to connect to the vm
If you don’t have the vmware director installed you will be prompted for the install (note this only works on a window box atm vmware have not issues a pluging for mac or linix) you will also need to allow popups for this process to work
Now just login with the user root and the password set earlier
Note to escape out of the screen press left “crtl” and “alt” to release the cursor and keyboard lock
Install VM’s Dependencies
Connect to the VM using a SSH client (example is using putty), enter the ip address or FQDN of the VM just created
Login with root and the password set earlier
Connect to the vm with a sftp client (example is using WinSCP) enter the ip address or FQDN of the VM just created along with the user name as root and the password set earlier then select login
Navigate to /opt
Copy in the downloaded java JDK file e.g. jdk-7u55-linux-x64.gz, normally completed by drag and dropping the file from the local file system into the right hand window of WinSCP
Switch windows back to the ssh client (putty in the example) and type the following to install java
cd /opt
yum remove java –y
tar -C /opt/ -xvzf jdk-7u55-linux-x64.gz
ln -s /opt/jdk1.7.0_55/ /opt/java
echo export "JAVA_HOME=/opt/java" >> /etc/profile.d/
echo export "PATH=\$PATH:\$JAVA_HOME/bin" >> /etc/profile.d/
Test that java is installing and working correctly
java -version
Install additional packages type
yum install -y pango libXv libxm2 wget unzip
Turn off iptables
service iptables stop
service ip6tables stop
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off
Disable SE Linux
vi /etc/selinux/config
Edit the line
Change to (hint i for insert mode then curser keys to navigate and back space to remove enforcing)
SELINUX=disabled (hint type in disabled)
Write out and close the file (hint esc :wq return)
Note please consult a vi man page regarding vi navigation.
FAS Install
It is advised that the installation options are reviewed and followed from the “Installing FAS” guide available with your software release from the download server Note: This platform does not support the GUI install unless additional packages are installed on top of the recommended deployment.
FCSDK Install
It is advised that the installation options are reviewed and followed from the “Installing FCSDK” guide available with your software release from the download server Note: This platform does not support the GUI install unless additional packages are installed on top of the recommended deployment.
It is advised that the configuration options are reviewed and followed from the “Administering FCSDK” guide available with your software release from the download server
Please consult the FCSDK or FAS Documentation
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