Some CSS properties and HTML elements do not render during a co-browse session. If you are using these properties or tags an agent may not see what the consumer can see precisely during a co-browse. You should test your website to determine if your use of tags or properties cause an impact to your agent experience.
The following HTML Tags do not render during a co-browse:
- details
- meter
- optgroup
- progress
HTML tag limitations
The following tags have limitations:
- canvas
- Only ‘2d’ context render.
CSS Tags
A complete set of CSS properties can be found in the W3 List of CSS properties.
The following CSS properties do not render during co-browse:
- backface-visibility
- background-blend-mode
- border-image
- box-decoration-break
- box-shadow
- filter
- font-variant-ligatures
- image-orientation
- image-rendering
- image-resolution
- list-style-image
- mix-blend-mode
- object-fit
- outline
- outline-offset
- perspective
- perspective-origin
- repeating-linear-gradient
- transform-style
- writing-mode
- zoom
CSS limitations
The following CSS properties have limitations:
- background-attachment
- All backgrounds render as ‘scroll’.
- The BODY element, which renders as ‘fixed’.
- background-clip
- ‘content-box’ behaves the same as ‘padding-box’.
- background-origin
- All backgrounds are rendered as ‘padding-box’.
- border-collapse
- All borders are rendered as ‘separate’.
- border-style
- All borders are rendered as ‘solid’ or ‘none’ if you specify.
- box-shadow
- ‘inset’ shadows do not render.
- content
- ‘counter’ renders in Safari incorrectly.
- empty-cells
- All cells render as ‘show’.
- linear-gradient
- Colour strings only render in Firefox, for example: linear-gradient(red,blue).
- list-style-position
- ‘outside’ does not render.
- list-style-type
- The following types render:
- circle
- decimal
- decimal-leading-zero
- disc
- lower-alpha
- lower-roman
- square
- upper-alpha
- upper-roman
- Other types render as a ‘disc’.
- text-decoration-line
- Line does not render in Chrome or Opera.
- text-justify
- Text renders as ‘inter-word’ in most circumstances.
- transform
- 3D transforms do not render.
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