This is a link section of the main article: Capturing Logs
Before obtaining browsers logs from Chrome or Firefox, could you please follow the instructions below to ensure that timestamps are enabled on your browser, these can be very useful to us when attempting to resolve an issue.
Enabling timestamps:
Applies to both Chrome and Firefox: Press F12 on your browser and select the "cog" settings button as highlighted in the the screenshot below, you will then see the menu illustrated below, ensure that the highlighted boxes are ticked.
Chrome: If using Chrome for a client then you can see the logs in the console, shown by bringing up the page context menu (normally by right clicking in the browser window) and selecting "Inspect Element", and then selecting the Console tab. These logs are normally detailed enough for us.
Note: To collect the timestamped logs you need to click on some text in the console window and then select all of the text in the console window. Then copy and paste it into an editor and save to file.
If you just use the "save as" option when right clicking in the console window the timestamps are not saved.
On some occasions we need more detailed logs that are obtained by opening a new instance of chrome in debug mode as follows:
Windows: <Chrome Directory>\chrome.exe --enable-logging --v=9 --vmodule=*libjingle/source/*=9 --user-data-dir=c:\chromedebug
Mac: /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --enable-logging --v=9 --vmodule=*libjingle/source/*=9 --user-data-dir=/User/<your user dir>/chromedebug
Firefox: Firefox console logs are accessed in a similar way to Chrome above. Right click within the firefox window and either select "Inspect Element" or after the right click just press Q. Once the window has appeared there will be a "Console" tab, the logs found here are again normally detailed enough for us.
Internet Explorer: IE works the same as Firefox above without the shortcut of Q. To access the logs from IE simply right click, then click "Inspect Element". This will then bring up a set of windows, just click the "Console" tab. These logs should contain enough information for us to diagnose.
iPad: We support using Xcode, here are the instructions on how to find the logs:
You can obtain iPad logs by plugging the iPad into a MAC, opening XCode and navigating to Window -> Devices and selecting your iPad in the left hand menu. You can view the device console by clicking the arrow in the bottom left corner of the right hand panel. To get a copy of the logs 'select all' in the console window and paste into a text file.
To get the Crash logs click the View Device Logs button and select the Crash item in the left hand pane from the time of the crash you are interested in, then right click and select export log.
- For for older Xcode 5 & 6 versions. You can obtain iPad logs by plugging the iPad into a MAC, opening XCode 5 and navigating to Window -> Organiser -> Devices and selecting your iPad in the left hand menu. In the drop down menu select console. For XCode 6 navigate to Window -> Devices and select your iPad in the left hand menu, when click the view device logs button.
- If you don't use XCode and your using iOS7 you can download the iPhone Configuration Utility for windows or Macs and connect your iPad to it to collect the console logs. For iOS8 you can download and collect logs via if using a MAC.
- dSYM file. If your custom iPad app has crashed please include the dSYM file as well as the crash log. The dSYM file can be found in xCode by Right Clicking on your archive -> Show in Finder -> Right click on file and click on Show package content
- Android: There are a couple of way to obtain logs from an Android device.
- If you have the ADT installed you can obtain device logs by starting ADT Eclipse and opening the LogCat view. If no logs appear you may have to install device drivers on your desktop.
- Installing the aLogcat application onto the device gives you access to logs. You should clear the logs from the application before attempting the scenario for which you are collecting logs, the logs can then be "Shared" to an email or other account.
Files may be too big to attach to an email or ticket (7 mb limit on Zendesk) so can be made available to us via the cloud or we can provide you with an upload link for our file server (please ask us on the ticket).
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