Monitoring Web Gateways
There are several interfaces for monitoring the status of Web Gateways. It should be noted that the interfaces for monitoring will have an impact on system performance which should be taken into account when sizing a solution.
System Operating System Monitoring is covered in a separate article.
Through the Web Plugin Framework:
Media Broker Statistics can be monitored via the Web Plugin Framework interface:
https://<WebGateway>:8443/web_plugin_framework/webcontroller/performanceLog/ |
An in memory call Logs are also available:
https://<WebGateway>:8443/web_plugin_framework/webcontroller/calls/ |
Refer to: Enabling Call Logging for more information.
Through the Configuration REST API
Media Broker Statistics can be retrieved via the following authenticated API:
https://<WebGateway>:8443/admin/gateway/1.0/statistics |
and Call Statistics via: |<CALL ID> |
Through the Command Line Interface
Some addtional server state can be obtained via the FAS command line interface:
Please read Connecting to FAS via the CLI for information on how to connect to the CLI.
Number of active Clients:
[domain@ /] /host=master-XXXX/ { "outcome" => "success", "result" => 1 } |
Number of active Call Legs:
[domain@ /] /host=master-XXXX/ { "outcome" => "success", "result" => 2 } |
Number of active Co-browse End Points:
[domain@ /] /host=master-team0wg1/server=appserver-team0wg1/deployment=assistserver.war/subsystem=web/:read-attribute(name=active-sessions) |
Monitoring Media Brokers
Media Brokers maintain an HTTP URL that can be used to collect run-time statistics:
https://<MediaBroker>:8092/statistics |
Example Output:
{"portsReleased":518,"portsAllocated":520,"loadGroup":0,"load":1, "audioStarted":0,"videoStarted":0,"routesDestroyed":0,"routesCreated":0, "routeCount":0,"startupTime":1473357504950,"proxyStatus":"RUNNING", "videoCompleted":0,"audioCompleted":0,"packetsRouted":130518, "packetsFailed":8089,"totalPackets":0,"totalBytes":0,"numCalls":0, "numCallsPassedThroughGstreamer":0,"numCallsTranscodedVideo":0, "numCallsTranscodedAudio":0,"numCallsTranscodedEither":0, "numCallsTranscodedBoth":0,"numCallsCacTranscodable":1, "numCallsCacPassthrough":1,"percentCacLoad":0, "networkConnectivityStatus":{"groupStatuses":[],"connected":true}} |
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