If you need to be able to access the WEB UI using an FQDN address (e.g. for certificate validation), but you originally specified IP addresses during FAS installation you will most likely notice the following behaviour.
1. You connect to the Web UI with a URL containing an FQDN, e.g.
2. You enter the login credential and click Login but end up back on the same login page with the Web UI URL changed to contain the IP address, e.g.
You have actually successfully logged in at this point with the FQDN URL, but as you have been proxied to a URL containing the IP address FAS thinks you need to login again. If you re-enter you original URL (containing the FQDN) at this point and press enter you will go straight into the Web UI pages. A more permanent solution is to tell FAS to proxy to the address containing the FQDN rather than IP.
To do this:
1. Copy the file /<FAS install directory>/domain/configuration/domain.xml so you have a backup copy to revert to e.g to domain.xml.bak
2. Edit /<FAS install directory>/domain/configuration/domain.xml
3. Search for "proxy-name" in this file, you should see a couple of lines similar to the following:
<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" proxy-name="" proxy-port="8080" redirect-port="8443" executor="http-connector"/>
<connector name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https" socket-binding="https" proxy-name="" proxy-port="8443" secure="true" executor="http-connector">
4. Alter the IP address values on these lines to be your FQDN and save the changes, e.g.
<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-binding="http" proxy-name="gw-1.cafex.com" proxy-port="8080" redirect-port="8443" executor="http-connector"/>
<connector name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https" socket-binding="https" proxy-name="gw-1.cafex.com" proxy-port="8443" secure="true" executor="http-connector">
5. Restart FAS, i.e. service fas restart
Note: Take care when altering the domain.xml file as invalid entries can cause FAS failures, and may cause it to fail to start.
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