In FCSDK 2.1 the fusion-web app server-side component comes set to secure be default, you may want to change this to insecure if you want to perform lab testing such as examining the traffic to & from the server via a network analyser.
How to
1. If you have a copy of the fusionwebapp-db.xml then open this on your local machine using your favorite editor. If you do not have a copy of this file then reference the Obtaining Deployed fusionwebapp-db.xml section below.
2. In the fusionwebapp-db.xml alter the externalGwUrl to use http and the FAS unsecure port (default 8080), e.g.
3. Redeploy the fusionwebapp-db.xml via the JBoss Console, see below:
Obtaining Deployed fusionwebapp-db.xml
If you do not have a copy of the deployed fusionwebapp-db.xml then below is one way of obtaining a copy from the FAS server.
1. On your server navigate to the FAS content directory e.g.
2. Then search for <name> e.g.
root@cs-trials content]# grep "<name>" -R *
This Will return something like:
07/3460dd80bfe860f762362dfcf4de6111117574/content: <name>user1</name>
07/3460dd80bfe860f762362dfcf4de6111117574/content: <name>user2</name>
3. Copy this to tmp and rename as fusionwebapp-db.xml:
cp 07/3460dd80bfe860f762362dfcf4de6111117574/content /tmp/fusionwebapp-db.xml
4. Now copy this to your local machine (I use pscp but you can use any scp method, winscp etc..)
C:\Temp>pscp root@ .
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