The Web Plugin Framework (https:/<your-server>:8443/web_plugin_framework/webcontroller) includes a handy call logging feature which will give you useful information about calls such as:
- Codec Used
- Jitter Levels
- Packets losts
It can be enabled via the Gateway -> General Admin tab at https:/<your-server>:8443/web_plugin_framework/webcontroller/admin/
The Log Expiry specifies the number of minutes the logs remain stored in the Call Log. It's advisable to store these for an appropriate length of time for your system.
The Call summaries can be viewed via the Gateway -> Call Log tab at https:/<your-server>:8443/web_plugin_framework/webcontroller/calls/
For browser to browser calls there will be 2 entries in the list, an inbound and an outbound call leg. For Browser to SIP or SIP to Browser calls there will only be one entry for the Browser side of the call.
To view an individual call's details click on the details icon to the right of the call summary:
Each of the inbound and outbound media streams are recorded.
Total Number of Packets indicates the number of packets received by the stream.
Lost Packets are packets which never arrived at their destination.
Late Packets are packets which have arrived at their destination and handled by the Jitter Buffer.
Dropped Packets are packets that arrived at their destination beyond an acceptable threshold (eg: it arrived 20s after it was intended to arrive).
Jitter is a metric for comparing the rate at which samples were sent versus the rate of when they arrived. Put simply: If two packets containing audio were sent 5ms apart, but were received 6ms apart the receiver would have to compensate for the missing milisecond of audio. In an ideal network Jitter would be 0ms, but media traversing the internet can vary based on network conditions. The Media Broker utilizes a Jitter Buffer to allow the differentials in packet arrive to be smoothed out over a longer period.
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