A basic guide to check on the health of your FCSDK instance.
1. Confirm you can login to the WPF.
Login into the Web Plugin Framework (WpF) and check you are able to confirm the Gateway (GW) version at https://<server_address>:8443/web_plugin_framework/webcontroller/
You can also check via the Command Line Interface (cli) if you do not have web access to the FCSDK. To login to FCSK cli run the following:
gateway > display gateway-configuration
product-version : 3.0.5
sip-configuration : [3000, true, 30000, 5000, sip:, 1800, 400, 10800, [outbound-sip-servers - 1]]
webrtc-configuration : [1000, 150, 2, 0, 5]
media-settings : [[banned-codec - 6], [audio-codec-prioritisation - 0], [video-codec-prioritisation - 0], [default-resolution], [max-resolution], [bitrate-configuration], [rtp]]
media-brokers : 1 present
application-key : 2 present
aed-configuration : [0]
video-configuration : [30, NONE]
internal-registrar-configuration : [false, 1.0, , 21600, 5, true]
call-log : [60, ON]
performance-log : [true, 60, 60]
call-admission-control : [0, 0]
resource-management : [5000]
browser-plugin-management : [/ie/WebRTC-Plugin.msi, true, 3.0.1, 3.0.1, /SafariPlugin/WebRTC-Plugin.dmg, true, 3.0.1, 3.0.1]
dynamic-codecs : [false]
2. Check Media Broker (MB) is running.
Once in the WPF select the Media Broker page and look for a green tick:
Do the same via the cli
gateway > list proxy-statistics
| media-broker-id | load | load-group | startup-time | total-bytes | total-packets | packets-routed | packets-failed | failed-connections | network-connectivity-status | call-load | transcodable-calls | passthrough-calls | status |
| 8092 | 3 | Min | 2016-09-29 10:26 | 0 | 0 | 634 | 9 | 0 | true | 0% | 0 | 0 | RUNNING |
3. Check you can run a test call using FCSDK sample application
Start two instance of FCSDK sample application which can be installed and configured using FCSDK installer package. Running a test call via sample application will verify the installation and configuration of FCSDK.
If you cannot login to the WPF check that FAS is running: service fas status
If you cannot verify the MB is running check MB is running: service fusion_media_broker status
If WPF and MB are looking good but call via sample application is failing contact Customer Support
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