Questionnaire helps to qualify prospects and also scope technical requirements for an initial pilot.
Sales Questionnaire
Initial Qualification
The following questions will help determine the relevance of CBA solutions for a given sales prospect.
- Does your company have one or more customer-facing mobile applications? If so, would enhancing these apps with real-time collaboration capabilities be of value? What about customer or partner-facing websites, portals, or even kiosks?
- In your company’s day-to-day operations, is there heavy collaboration between corporate staff and field personnel? If so, would solutions that enhance mobile collaboration between employees be of value?
- Does your company track Net Promoter Score or a similar customer satisfaction metric for various channels? Are you looking for ways to improve loyalty and conversion rates within mobile and web channels?
- Are you looking for cost-effective ways to integrate your established contact center & IVR services with mobile and web channels to drive Omnichannel experiences, such as IVR bypass, context-based routing, callback, and other scenarios?
- Is your company investigating WebRTC-based solutions for plugin-less in-app real-time communication? If so, are you looking for solutions that integrate with existing enterprise collaboration infrastructures?
- Do you offer a web chat service to customers? If so, how does a customer engaged in a web chat escalate to a voice or video call if more high-touch assistance is needed? Is the experience seamless or must the customer call your 800 number and start over?
- Does your company have budget for digital strategy and online/mobile customer experience projects?
Solution Scoping
The following questions will help determine the scope of the project in terms of license requirements and resources for implementation services.
- How many users, experts or agents are included in the project?
- What is the maximum number of concurrent interactions that need to be supported?
- If real-time communication within the browser is in scope for this project, what browser platforms need to be supported? Please indicate if there is no preference.
- Do any use cases involve embedding communication within mobile applications? If so, please specify which mobile platforms need to be supported (i.e. iOS and/or Android)
- If integration with enterprise collaboration infrastructure is in scope, what communication, PBX, SBC or other products are involved? What version(s)?
- If contact center or CRM integration is in scope, please provide the platform(s) and version(s). If agent desktop integration is required, please indicate the platform (e.g. Finesse,
- Will this project require any application development or consulting work by CBA or a third party, or will in-house developers utilize the toolkits for app integration?
- Is the pilot restricted to the internal network, or is public network access required?
- Is high availability required for the server-side signaling and media components?
- Is remote access available so that CBA engineers do not have to travel to site to perform software installation and integration with approved components?
- Which of the following capabilities are in scope for this project:
- In-app voice, video or chat
- Audio and/or video transcoding
- In-app audio/video integration with enterprise SIP endpoints
- Live Assist (co-browse, remote app control, file push, annotation)
- Contact center or CRM integration with context passing for session correlation, proper queuing, IVR bypass or callback
- Omnichannel support for seamless escalation between interaction modes
- Dynamic visual rendering of VXML for mobile self-service / visual IVR
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