This section describes how to use the License Server included in FAS to apply licenses for products which run on FAS.
Note: Fusion Application Server itself does not need a license.
Managing Licenses
Some applications that you install onto Fusion Application Server might be supplied with a usage license. These licenses must be applied using the License Server, which is installed on the master node. When installed, the configuration option for the License Server is added to the Management Console. You can also manage licenses using the Command-Line Interface (CLI).
As well as details about what is licensed, and how many of them (or how much of it) are allowed by the license, each license has a start date and an end date. The product is only licensed between those dates.
You can use the License Server to add and remove product licenses, and to view details of any active or inactive licenses. CBA Support supplies licenses as XML files. You should save the license file to a location that the Management Console can access.
When a licensed application is first installed, the licensing state will be ERROR. You must apply the required license to correct this.
SNMP Traps
The License Server will raise SNMP traps when one of the licenses that it is managing changes state. The state of a license can be:
State | Description |
ACTIVE | The product is licensed by this license. |
NOT_STARTED | The current date is before the start of the license. The license will become ACTIVE on the date the license starts. |
EXPIRED | The license has expired. |
EXPIRING_SOON | The license is due to expire in 30 days or less. |
See the Configuring SNMP article for details on how to receive these traps.
Managing Licenses using the Management Console
Viewing License Details using the Management Console
Launch the Management Console - see the Starting the Management Console section in the Management Interfaces article.
From the top right menu, select Profiles.
From the top left menu, select the management profile.
In the left hand menu, expand License Management and select Licenses:
Licenses that are currently active are displayed in the Active Licenses list; otherwise, they are displayed in the Inactive Licenses list.
- To view the details of a license, select it and click View:
Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog.
Adding a License using the Management Console
Obtain a license from CBA Support, and ensure that it is available on the machine you are accessing the Management Console from.
Launch the Management Console - see the Starting the Management Console section in the Management Interfaces article.
From the top right menu, select Profiles.
From the top left menu, select the management profile.
In the left hand menu, expand License Management and select Licenses:
- Click the Upload License button to display the Upload dialog:
Click Browse, navigate to the directory containing the license file, select it, and click Add.
If the license is active, it is applied to your product and listed in the Active Licenses table
If the license is inactive, it is listed in the Inactive Licenses table
- Restart the AS which is hosting the application to which the license is being applied (see the Starting and Stopping Server Processes section in the Managing Cluster Components article).
Removing a License using the Management Console
Launch the Management Console - see the Starting the Management Console section in the Management Interfaces article.
From the top right menu, select Profiles.
From the top left menu, select the management profile.
In the left hand menu, expand License Management and select Licenses:
- Select the license you want to remove, and click Remove.
Managing Licenses using the CLI
Start the CLI (see the Starting the CLI section in the Management Interfaces article).
to get details of the License Server:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"host" => "master-",
"product" => undefined,
"server" => ""
The returned details contain the name of the host (master- in the example above, and <host>
in the following commands) and server process ( above, and <server process>
in the following commands) that the License Server is running on. You will need these for other operations.
- To add a license:
/host=<host>/server=<server process>/subsystem=license-server:add-license(path=<path to license file>)
- To get a list of all existing licenses:
/host=<host>/server=<server process>/subsystem=license-server:read-resource(recursive=true,include-runtime=true)
which will return information including the product name and the license name:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"host" => "master-",
"server" => "",
"product" => {"SomeProduct" => {
"active-license" => "33322a55-0f39-4216-bb72-17b369ab9990",
"loaded-license" => {"33322a55-0f39-4216-bb72-17b369ab9990" => {
"activated" => "20/02/2013 12:00 AM",
"customer-id" => "Internal",
"expires" => "05/02/2014 12:00 AM",
"counted-feature" => {"users" => {
"allocated" => "0",
"allowed" => "1000",
"display-name" => "Maximum number of users"
"uncounted-feature" => {"grace-period" => {
"content" => "30",
"display-name" => "Grace period in days"
The important things are the product name (SomeProduct above, and <product name>
in the following commands) and the license name (33322a55-0f39-4216-bb72-17b369ab9990 above, and <license id>
in the following commands), which are needed for other commands.
- To get a list of products:
/host=<host>/server=<server process>/subsystem=license-server:read-children-resources(child-type=product)
which returns a list with less complete information:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"SomeProduct" => {"loaded-license" => {"33322a55-0f39-4216-bb72-17b369ab9990" => undefined}}}
- To see licenses for a specific product:
/host=<host>/server=<server process>/subsystem=license-server/product=<product name>:read-resource(recursive=true,include-runtime=true)
- To see the details for a specific license:
/host=<host>/server=<server process>/subsystem=license-server/product=<product name>/loaded-license=<license id>:read-resource(recursive=true,include-runtime=true)
- To remove a license:
/host=<host>/server=<server process>/subsystem=license-server:remove-license(licenseId=<license id>,productName=<product name>)
Connecting to a different License Server
By default, ASs connect to the License Server on the local Domain Host Controller. If you have a deployment containing more than one cluster, you might want to control all of your licenses from a single License Server, which means that ASs in the other clusters will need to connect to the License Server on a Domain Host Controller other than the local one. This can be done either using the Management Console or the CLI. Each procedure is described below.
Connecting to different License Server using the Management Console
Launch the Management Console for the domain which needs to connect to a different Domain Host Controller for licensing - see the Starting the Management Console section in the Management Interfaces article.
From the top right menu, select Profiles.
From the top left menu, select the ha profile.
From the menu on the left, expand Subsystems and License Client, and select License Server:
Click Edit and enter the new License Server URL. It should be in the form
http://<license server host name>:9100
. -
Click Save.
Restart the AS on the master node for the changes to take effect (see the Starting and Stopping Server Processes section in the Managing Cluster Components article).
Repeat the procedure for each other domain which needs to connect to a different Domain Host Controller for licensing.
Connecting to different License Server using the CLI
Start the CLI (see the Starting the CLI section in the Management Interfaces article).Connect to the master node of a domain which needs to connect to a different Domain Host Controller for licensing.
/profile=ha/subsystem=license-client:write-attribute(name=license-server-url,value=<new license server URL>)
The license server URL must be in the format http://<license server host name>:9100
. The response should be:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => undefined,
"server-groups" => {"main-server-group" => {"host" => {"<master name>" => {"<server name>" => {"response" => {
"outcome" => "success",
"response-headers" => {
"operation-requires-restart" => true,
"process-state" => "restart-required"
Restart the AS on the master node for changes to take effect.
Repeat the procedure for every other domain which needs to connect to a different Domain Host Controller for licensing.
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