This section describes the Fusion Application Server management interfaces (the Management Console and the Command Line Interface (CLI)), and provides some general instructions for using them.
Management Console
The Management Console is a browser-based UI provided by the Domain Host Controller, which can be used to configure the Fusion Application Server.
Before using the Management Console to configure FAS, ensure that:
The required FAS cluster components are installed, as detailed in the Fusion Application Server Installation Guide. All cluster components that are part of the same cluster have the same Cluster Address, which is set during installation.
Each FAS node in the cluster (or the only FAS node in a single-box installation) is running.
The LBs and ASs in the cluster are running. The Management Console cannot start other host controllers or FAS nodes, but you can use it to start or stop server processes on a local or remote FAS node, as long as the FAS node itself is running.
Starting the Management Console
To launch the Management Console, open the following URL in a browser:
https://<fas address>:9990
where <fas address>
is the IP address of the master node, or the machine hosting a single-box installation.
You must supply the administrator credentials to log in to the Management Console; enter the administrator credentials that you specified during installation. The console should launch successfully:
Management Console Overview
The Management Console is the web interface provided by the Domain Host Controller, and allows you to configure the FAS nodes in a domain. You can configure most of the attributes and perform most of the operations available through the CLI more conveniently through the Management Console. The main screen has several elements:
Main navigation (often referred to as top right menu). Split into:
- Profiles
See the Managing Profiles section.
- Server
See the Managing Servers section.
- Runtime
See the Managing Runtime Configuration section.
Secondary navigation (often referred to as the top left menu). It may contain a list of:
Profiles, if the main navigation selection is Profiles.
Hosts, if the main navigation selection is Servers.
Server Processes, if the main navigation selection is Runtime.
Select the resource in the list that you want to view or modify.
- Third navigation (often referred to as menu on the left, or left hand menu).
Displays sections of the configuration of the item selected in the secondary navigation, which you can display and modify. Some of the items in this menu can be opened to show a sub-menu.
- Navigation tabs.
Having selected a section in the third navigation, the navigation tabs display subsections of the configuration.
- Main content area
The main content area displays the configuration for an item. Commonly, it shows a list of resources in a table in the top half, and displays an item selected from the table in more detail in the bottom half. There may also be buttons for the operations which you can apply to the items in the table. If the configuration of each item is complex, the lower half of the window might contain additional tabs.
- Messages and notifications area
Clicking on Messages displays a list of recent messages, such as the outcome of a recent operation.
- Toolbar
The toolbar contains the following general operations:
- Tools->Browser
Provides an alternative read-only view of the Dynamic Representation Model. This view is closer to the structure used by the CLI (see the Command Line Interface (CLI) section), and may help you to understand the structure of resources in the CLI, or to allow you to see the values of attributes which you cannot access in the Management Console.
- Settings
Allows the user to change the locale of the Management Console itself.
- Logout
Closes the current management session.
You can set certain configuration items, such as system properties, interfaces, and JVM configurations, at a number of levels. If a configuration item is set at more than one level, the most specific takes precedence. The levels, from most to least specific, are: server process, host, server group, and domain (that is, a JVM configuration item set in the appserver server process on localhost will override a JVM configuration set on the localhost host itself).
Managing Profiles
Select Profiles from the main navigation area. The secondary navigation area contains a list of profiles which can be managed.
The FAS installer creates and configures three profiles:
- ha profile
This is the profile used by SIP and Web applications hosted by FAS. The installer applies it to the main-server-group.
- lb profile
By default, this profile applies to the lb-server-group. It has the following subsystems, some of which can be managed through the Management Console: LB, OAMP, JMX, Remoting, and Logging.
- management profile
This profile is reserved for management applications such as the License Server and the Trust Management module. By default, it applies to the mgmt-server-group.
After you select a profile, the third navigation area displays items which can be configured, in two menus:
- Subsystems
Shows a list of subsystems specific to the profile. Which subsystems are shown depends on the profile selected (the ha profile has many more subsystems than the lb profile, for instance). When you select one of these subsystems, its content (divided between one or more navigation tabs) appears in the main content area.
Note: The Subsystems menu is typically grouped into sub-menus (such as Container, Core, or Web), indicated by a + or - next to them, with the subsystem menu items beneath them. The sub-menus can be expanded or collapsed.
- General Configuration
These settings are common across all profiles (that is, they are at the domain level):
- Interfaces
Displays a list of interfaces (for example, public, management) and allows you to specify which IP address they bind to or NIC they use.
You typically specify these at the host level (see the Managing Servers section), not at the profile level.
- Socket Binding
Displays a list of socket binding groups. The FAS installer creates a single group, ha-sockets, that is used by both the ha and management profiles.
The binding group specifies the default ports used for each binding (for example, http=8080), but these can be overridden at the server group level.
- System Properties
Displays a list of system properties. These are set at the domain level, and can be overridden at the server group, host, or server process level.
The Management Console cannot create additional profiles. It is possible to create profiles using the CLI, but it is probably simpler to clone an existing profile by editing the domain.xml file directly and changing the profile name. See the Files in the domain/configuration Directory section for more information about this file.
Managing Servers
Select Server from the main navigation area. The secondary navigation area contains a list of hosts which can be managed.
A host is a physical server (or VM) that has FAS installed on it, and whose Host Controller is either the Domain Host Controller (in which case the host is the master node), or the Host Controller of a slave node that has successfully connected to the Domain Host Controller.
Once you have selected a host, the third navigation area displays items which can be configured:
- Server Configuration
The main content area displays a list of server processes that have been configured on the selected host.
When you have selected a server process from the list, you can configure it in the bottom half of the main content area. For example, you can configure JVM settings and system properties, change the assigned server group, alter the auto-start flag, or change the port offset.
- Server Groups
The main content area displays the list of server groups configured for this domain.
You can add and remove server groups, and when you have selected one of them, you can configure the server group in the bottom half of the main content area. For example, you can configure JVM settings, system properties, or change the associated profile, or socket binding.
- JVM Configuration
All server processes on this host will start up using these JVM settings unless overridden at the server process level.
- Interfaces
Define what IP address, NIC, and so on, to use for management and public interfaces.
During installation, FAS configures and stores the IP addresses to bind to in the file. These are referenced as system property expressions in this section. The easiest way to change the bind IP address is to edit the file. See the Files in the domain/configuration Directory section for more information about this file.
- Host Properties
Defines the system properties at the host level. All server processes on this host will use these system property values, unless they are overridden at the server process level.
The items are divided into two groups in the third navigation area, Server and Host Settings. Both sets of configuration items apply to the host, but those in Server relate specifically to the way that FAS operates; the items in Host Settings are more generic, and have their equivalents on any application server.
Note: To start, stop, and view the status of the server processes running on the server, see the Starting and Stopping Server Processes section in the Managing Cluster Components article.
Managing Runtime Configuration
Select Runtime from the main navigation area. The secondary navigation area shows a pop-out dialog, in which you can select a host and server process pair:
Select a server process on a specific host and click Done; the third navigation area shows items related to that host and server process:
- Domain
These settings are common to the domain or host (they are the same whichever server process you have selected from the second navigation area).
- Server Instances
A list of server processes for the selected host, including their current status. From here you can start or stop the selected server process.
When you select a server process, you can view the environment properties; these are the system properties available to applications and subsystem services running on the server. They contain properties set by the container, as well as properties set by the administrator at domain, server group, host, or server process level.
Note: The environment properties are different for different server processes, but those displayed depend on the server process selected in the main content area, not that selected in the secondary navigation area; as long as you select a server process on the correct host in the secondary navigation area, you can select the correct server process on that host in the main content area. To change the environment properties for e.g. the loadbalancer on localhost:
Select one of the server processes on localhost in the second navigation area and click Done.
Select Server Instances in the third navigation pane.
Select the loadbalancer server process in the main content area
You can now view and edit the environment properties for the loadbalancer server process by clicking the Environment Properties tab in the lower part of the main content area.
- Manage Deployments
Displays the deployed objects in the Content Repository tab. These are typically Web, SIP or JEE EAR application archives, but they can also contain things such as JDBC driver jars, and even XML files.
You can add, update, or remove content. When you add content, you must assign it to one or more server groups before it can be used.
There is a second navigation tab called Server Groups. This provides an alternative view of the same deployments, with objects grouped according to the server groups they are assigned to. This allows you to view the applications deployed to each server group, and to enable or disable these applications.
- Server Status
Displays statistics related to subsystems or core components of FAS. For example, you can view statistics for JVM, datasource, JPA, JNDI, transactions, Web and Webservices.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The CLI is a utility installed on FAS hosts. You can use the CLI to configure Fusion Application Server from a command prompt.
Before using the CLI to configure FAS, ensure that:
The required FAS cluster components are installed, as detailed in the Fusion Application Server Installation Guide. All cluster components that are to be part of the same cluster will have the same Cluster Address, which is configured during installation.
The LBs and ASs in the cluster are running. You cannot use the CLI to start cluster components.
The CLI can also be run from a Java application, which might be useful for scripting repetitive tasks.
For more information about using the CLI than the Fusion Application Server Administration Guide provides, type help on the CLI command line, or look in the JBoss CLI documentation.
Note: The CLI represents the configuration as a tree structure; the JBoss CLI documentation refers to the elements of the tree as nodes or resources interchangeably, and this section on the CLI follows this terminology. Do not confuse a node in the CLI with a FAS node.
Starting the CLI
- Change to the directory containing the CLI:
cd <install dir>/bin
- Run:
- Connect to the FAS that you have configured as master:
connect <fas address>
where <fas address>
is the IP address or host name of the FAS host you want to connect to.
- The CLI will prompt you for the user name and password. It uses the same credentials as the Management Console, the ones that you specified during installation.
To terminate a CLI session type quit.
Using the CLI
Operation requests consist of the following parts:
An address, prefixed with a slash (/)
an operation name, prefixed with a colon (:)
an optional set of parameters, contained within parentheses (())
Note: The CLI supports tab-completion for node types and names, operation names, property names and, in some cases, values. That is, you can start typing the name or value and then press tab. Where there is only one possible option, it completes the name or value. Where there is more than one possible option, it lists the options.
The following sections describe how to build operations on the command line.
Determining the Address
The current node path is indicated in the command line prompt. The default value is /, that is, the root node. If you do not specify an address, the operation will be executed against the current node path.
Operations are performed on resources. Resources often have child resources. For example, the resource /profile=ha has a set of child resources of type subsystem, for example, /profile=ha/subsystem=sip. The address of the resource is made up of a series of name-value pairs that include the address of any parent resources.
To see what resources are available under the current node, use the ls command.
Determining the Operation Name
You can use the :read-operation-names command on any node to list the available operations. For example, run from an ID certificate group in the trustmgmt subsystem, the command returns something like the following:
[domain@ identity-certificate-group=mgmt-server-group] **:read-operation-names**
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => [
Determining any Parameters
You can use the read-operation-description command on an operation to determine the parameters required for the it:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"operation-name" => "generate-keypair",
"description" => "Generates a private/public key pair. Returns the generated key pair in PEM format - the first entry is the private key, and the second is the self-signed certificate",
"request-properties" => {
"expiry-date" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The expiry date (yyyy-mm-dd) for the generated key pair",
"expressions-allowed" => true,
"required" => false,
"nillable" => true,
"min-length" => 10L,
"max-length" => 2147483647L
"subject-dn" => {
"type" => STRING,
"description" => "The distinguished name for the generated key pair",
"expressions-allowed" => true,
"required" => false,
"nillable" => true,
"min-length" => 1L,
"max-length" => 2147483647L
"reply-properties" => {},
"read-only" => false
Running an Operation
A full operation, including the address, uses the following format:
[node-type=node-name (/node-type=node-name)*] : operation-name ['('[name=value [, name=value]*]')'] [{header (;header)*}]
For example, the command to change the SIP call logging level to DEBUG is:
If you plan to run a number of commands against a particular resource, you can change to that resource node and run the commands from the node, to save you having to specify the node on each command. To change the node, you can use the change node command: cn or cd:
cd profile=ha/subsystem=logging/logger=sip.calls/
The command prompt changes to look like:
[host:port /logger=sip.calls]
You can then omit the address to run an operation against the current node:
Start with ./ to execute an operation against a child resource of the current node. For example, you can run the following command against the subsystem=logging node to update the child resource logger=sip.calls:
If you have changed nodes away from the root, you can start with / to execute an operation against the root node:
For more information on the CLI, type help on the CLI command line.
Running a CLI Script from a File
The above examples show CLI being used in interactive mode. The CLI can also run commands loaded from a script. For example, to load the CLI commands in a file called read-all.cli and pipe the output to a file called results.txt, use the following command:
./ --file=read-all.cli > results.txt
The following shows the content of an example read-all.cli script:
# read-all.cli
# connect to host controller (or you could pass
# -- controller=<ip> flag to cmd)
# this recursively reads config, including runtime metrics -
# could be expensive (100+Kb of data)
Running Commands in Batch Mode
You can also run multiple commands in a single batch. In batch mode, all operations must run successfully; otherwise, a failure of any operation will cause a rollback of all operations. The following commands are available in batch mode:
Command | Description |
batch | Start a batch. Any commands subsequently entered will not be run until run-batch is invoked. Can also be used to restore a held back batch. |
run‑batch | Run all commands in batch. |
holdback‑batch (string batch‑name) | Saves the current batch, and can be recalled at a later time during the connected session. |
discard‑batch | Discards the current batch without executing it. |
move‑batch‑line (int from, int to) | Moves a line in a batch to a different position |
remove‑batch‑line (int line) | Removes a command from the list |
edit‑batch‑line (int line, string command) | Replaces an existing line with the new command text |
clear‑batch | Clears all commands but remains in batch mode |
list‑batch | Lists all commands in a batch |
Batches can be run in both interactive mode or from a CLI script.
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